Misspelled Words

Not finding what you are searching for?

Spelling mistakes and incorrect terms are all too common and can lead to customers having a hard time finding the product they are looking for.
Your search may have included a misspelled word, a typographical error or an incorrect bag term!

Here are some common mistakes we find:

Reclosable Bags

Recloseable, seal closeure bags, Ziploc, zip-loc, ziplock, and zip-lock, Mill, ML, easy open/close bags, press and seal, press n seal, storage bags, Ziploc storge bags, zip handle bags, food bags, polybag, zzip lock, reclosabe bags, side zip, food grade, frozen, zipper close, zip lock big bags, oversize reclosable bags, resealable bags, heat sealed bags, one zip hefty bags, ziplock baggie, mini bags


polyethylene, polyethylene, polyethilyne, polyetheline, polyethelyne, poliethilene, poliethylene, poliethiline, poliethyline, polietheline, poliethelene, poliethelyne, pollyethylene, pollyethilene, pollyethelene, pollyethyline, pollyethylyne, pollyethelyne, pollyetheline, pollyethiline, pollyethilyne, poli bags, polly bags, polli bags, polythene

Amber Bags

U/V, uv , u/v, ultra-violet, Ultra-Violet, UV, pharmacutical bags, pharmeceutical bags, pharmiceutical bags, ultraviolet light

Some other typographical errors we see:

bio-hazard bags, antistatic bags, customized plastic bags, clear poly maler, recycled bag, coloured bags, with white window, bags with white box

If you cannot find what you are looking for in the search box, try the navigation menu or contact us via email at sales@royalbag.com or via phone at 718-686-1120.